Övriga personliftar

When narrow corridors and doorways, rough terrain or uneven ground cause difficulties for normal platforms good solution is spider type lifts such as JLG X-series platforms.

JLG X-series platforms are low weight and can be operated via an engine as well as electricity. This makes them extremely versatile, whether working indoors or out. They are excellent choice for short time jobs in lobbies, inner yards and shopping centers where in the past this kind of work had to be done by expensive and time-consuming scaffolding.

Our professionals are happy to help you in finding the best option for your jobsite and needs in order to do the job safe and cost-effective without any extra cost.


Modell Plattformhöjd Plattformstorlek Vikt Plattformlast Broschyr
Leguan 125 S 4WD Broschyr
Leguan 125 S TELA Broschyr
Almac Jibbi U-1570 EVO Broschyr
JLG X17J PLUS Broschyr
JLG X20J PLUS Broschyr
JLG X26J PLUS Broschyr
JLG X33J PLUS Broschyr

Maskinernas mått och vikt kan variera beroende på årsmodell. Kontrollera dem vid behov när du beställer.

Push around-liftar

Modell Plattformhöjd Plattformstorlek Vikt Plattformlast Broschyr
Haulotte QuickUp 9 Broschyr
Haulotte QuickUp 12 Broschyr
JLG P35AC Broschyr
Haulotte QuickUp 14 Broschyr

Maskinernas mått och vikt kan variera beroende på årsmodell. Kontrollera dem vid behov när du beställer.